Basics – Datatypes

The common datatypes in python

Python has a lot of different datatypes which you will encounter so lets start with the most common used. Read More ›

Basics – Hello World

The basic Hello World example

Blog of Python-Tutorials When you start with an language you always start with Hello :) Read More ›

Basics – While Loops in Python

While Loops in Python

While loops are similar to for loops in that they let us repeat a block of code. The difference is that while loops run while a condition is True. Read More ›

Basics – Import Statements in Python

Import Statements in Python

Organizing your code into multiple files as your program grows in size and complexity is good practice. But we need to find a way to combine these files to make the program work correctly, and that is exactly what import statements do. Read More ›

Basics – Functions in Python

Functions in Python

In Python, we can define functions to make our code reusable, more readable, and organized. This is the basic syntax of a Python function: Read More ›