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Datatypes › The common datatypes in python
Python has a lot of different datatypes which you will encounter so lets start with the most common used. Read More ›

Hello World › The basic Hello World example
When you start with an language you always start with Hello :) Read More ›

While Loops in Python › While Loops in Python
While loops are similar to for loops in that they let us repeat a block of code. The difference is that while loops run while a condition is True. Read More ›

Import Statements in Python › Import Statements in Python
Organizing your code into multiple files as your program grows in size and complexity is good practice. But we need to find a way to combine these files to make the program work correctly, and that is exactly what import statements do. Read More ›

Functions in Python › Functions in Python
In Python, we can define functions to make our code reusable, more readable, and organized. This is the basic syntax of a Python function: Read More ›

For Loops in Python › For Loops in Python
Now you know how to write conditionals in Python, so let's start diving into loops. For loops are amazing programming structures that you can use to repeat a code block a specific number of times. Read More ›

Exception Handling in Python › Exception Handling in Python
An error or unexpected event that that occurs while a program is running is called an exception. Thanks to the elements that we will see in just a moment, we can avoid terminating the program abruptly when this occurs. Read More ›

Conditionals in Python › Conditionals in Python
Now let's see how we can write conditionals to make certain parts of our code run (or not) based on whether a condition is True or False. Read More ›

Python & Flask › Create an Python web server using Flask
Do you want to create you're own webserver and run you're python code in it? Read More ›